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at that diamond in the sky

stare at it

feel warmed by it

draw inspiration from it

be guided by it

have faith in it.

let the distractions fall away

let the small hurts heal

let forgiveness work its magic

let anger transform into creative action

let fear inform instinctive change.

may you find your heart

may you discover kindness at the core of your being

may your spirit ignite

may your love overflow and nourish the world.

Beginner’s Heart

feeling something as a child would

beginner’s heart ~

being present is that, yes

feeling the warmth as we notice a blooming flower, smell its flavor

but how about something beyond, deeper than that?

when a child encounters a butterfly for the first time

they want to share their delight

“look ___ [mom, dad, Susie, Rover]!”

untangling the knots in our old, tired hearts

notice, feel


March 13, 1989

There was a period in my life filled with hard work and hard play. In the midst of that, my mother died.

While I was surrounded by friends, marriage, loneliness, my mother died.

As I confronted numerous tangles and potholes, my mother died.

My mother lived 35 years before she met me. I have lived 35 years since she left me.

What have I learned (or learned more deeply) in these 35 years on my own?

Life works better when I can let go of my feeble attempts to control things.

Time filled with substance is preferable to time filled with substances.

Humility and honesty are essential.

My shadow is an interesting friend.

Time spent dancing, constructing poetry, and dabbling with various forms of art is fulfilling and enlightening. These activities allow me to express ALL my emotions. Emotions no longer scare me.

The ocean enables me to breathe.

Dogs are the best.

Bits of joy and simple contentment enhance each day. I look in the corners to be sure I don’t miss any of it.

I learned how to untangle some of the tangles.

I learned how to face and fill some of the potholes.

My mother was kind and wise. I hear her gentle guidance through the silence. Perhaps she (proudly?) witnesses what I continue to learn on my own. There is comfort in my vision of our infinite alliance—our shared peace.


Resilience is a trait I have always been grateful to have in my repertoire. It keeps me going, keeps me “strong.”

Resilience is also a trait that encourages me to put my sadness, my vulnerabilities aside. Even when I acknowledge and think I “sit with” those uncomfortable feelings, I still put them in a box and add them to a “past stuff” pile very quickly. Of course there will still be a charge to those boxes and they are not filled with “past stuff” at all. I would like to open those boxes and welcome that stuff back in.

Instead of being the victor, perhaps resilience can be the companion to my sadness when I have lost someone or something. Perhaps resilience can be the protector of my tender vulnerabilities. I can keep my precious human feelings with me as gateways to the sacred.


  • the fire at the center of me
    • throwing on logs of yearning
      • of sadness
      • of my own and collective grief
    • watching them burn
    • honoring the pain
    • knowing I need to jump in and feel the flames
  • instead I grab the rope
  • and endlessly circle the fire
  • endlessly avoiding reality as if it is something I cannot forgive